USA/Nevada – Valley of Fire, Gold Buttes & Little Finland

After a short stop in Las Vegas for a night and all our maintenance needs covered we were ready to head out again. A couple of places we had still on our list in Nevada, so Valley of Fire was our first stop.

Valley of Fire

We found a nice spot just outside of the Valley of Fire for the night, but unfortunately it started raining during the night. One of the rare occasions actually at a place that gets around four inches of rain a year, but well, nothing we can do about. Fortunately it got much better during the day, so we could at least get some pictures prior heading on.

And the great thing, we even spotted some wildlife, something we had not that much in the last couple of weeks and months.

So not a bad start for our last days in Nevada, but it got still much better. 😉

Gold Buttes National Monument

Gold Buttes National Monument seems to be completely off the beaten path, we had it literally for ourselves. So beautiful, walking around in-between the rock formations for a couple of hours. And even better, so easy to find a great campsite for the night.

In other parks they put fences up to protect the petroglyphs, unfortunately this is needed as there are to many people who believe they can add there one ones. LBut here it is all freely visible, you just need to take some time and find them.

And clearly spring is coming now, birds everywhere and our first rattlesnake (this time without a picture). Still we can proof ourselves being correct, when you here the noise you surely know what it is. 😉

Little Finland

One last spot prior leaving Nevada, Little Finland. Hm, we really don’t know why it is called like that, but absolutely worth the visit. You will need a 4×4 to get there, but worth the effort. Amazing formations ones again, and one of those places where you can imagine to see colourful fish swimming around.

And the best thing at the end; a baby rattlesnake during her afternoon sleep. So happy we were able to get this shot, as it was really a tiny one, maybe a couple of weeks old, if even.

Especially Little Finland and Gold Buttes was worth the detour and we had a great time here, but now, Utah we are coming. Next stop, Zion National Park. So stay tuned…