Finland – Some days in Kolovesi and Ruunaa

Even though the start of this trip has been not ideal, we still had some wonderful days in the South of Finland, hiking in a fantastic landscape in some of the national parks. But now it is time to head East, so visiting the South-East of Finland with places like Kolovesi and Ruunaa.

Kolovesi was again a bit of a surprise, still lots of snow on some of the tracks, even too much for a Landcruiser, not to speak about a T3 bus, so we had to adjust our plans, but still found some nice hiking possibilities and an even better spot to camp, close to the lake.

Kolovesi, in the South Savo Region is known as a paddler’s paradise with rocky cliffs and narrow lake channels, but offers also some nice hiking opportunities.

Still being early in spring, especially evenings are getting cold, still a campfire and a Finnish beer helps with that. So relaxing sitting in the forest, directly by a lake and enjoy a campfire.

Heading further North again, we got to Ruunaa, well know for the hiking and rafting possibilities, but usually during summer. The hiking area at Ruunaa has nearly 60 kilometres of trails and also some rafting opportunities during the summer time, all that close to the Russian border.

Getting there, they just had opened the centre the day before. Still lots of snow, but that is something we knew in advance and on the other hand you have all the places for ourselves without a need sharing the landscape with other people.

So what’s next? We will see, still some time available prior we need to be close to the Russian border for the “special thing” to come, so looking forward to see some other areas and national parks.

Just follow us and you will see…