Blackdown Tableland & Kroombit Tops

Sitting in front of a warming campfire in the Kroombit Tops NP and drafting a blog post is somehow strange, but on the other hand, why not. πŸ™‚ Nights are long and cold out here.

Blackdown Tablelands NP was somehow a surprise. We had not so much information in advance, but that got our interest. Amazing to see a huge table mountain rising from the land in front of you and the view from the top was just breath taking.


Beside the nice view, we had a beautiful hike to a waterfall. Well partly it was more about climbing, but it was worth the effort. Nice place to spent some time, unfortunately a bit to chilly for a swim…



…but warm enough to enjoy the sun on the warm rocks. πŸ™‚


The 4WD track started so easy, that we already were wondering why they call it a 4WD track, but on the second half, the real fun started. At some of the steep sections, Karin decided that she would rather take some pictures than joining me in the car while rolling over (what luckily was not happening).

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But also the Kroombit Tops NP has a lot to offer, beside a beautiful camp where you can even feel the remoteness of this area. During the night we had one of the most amazing skies we saw so far.


We even got a small visitor during the evening. πŸ™‚


And the landscape in this national park is once again fantastic. Really worth a visit…


Beside all this, Kroombit Tops offers also a impressive peace of history, a Liberty bomber that crashed 1945 into the mountain and was found about 50 years later. Missing all the time and nobody was able to find it in this rough landscape. Nice to see that since than not much was stolen, but also impressive to see how the pieces are spread on the ground, showing the power of the impact.



From here we are now heading towards the coast again, spending few days around Hervey Bay and heading to Lady Elliot Island for some days, hoping once again for amazing underwater shots and maybe even some Manta Rays. In that sense, to be continued… πŸ™‚