Russia – Back in Siberia and on the way to Lake Baikal

Back in Russia, back in Siberia and now on the way to Lake Baikal. After a bit more than three hours we are done and the border crossing is managed. Being tired after the early wake-up and the border crossing, we decided to call it a day early. But easier said than done. Due to the forest fires in the Lake Baikal region, many roads into the forests are blocked, understandable as everything is so try, but make it a bit more difficult for us. However, we found a great spot for the night.

Even better, on the way we managed to buy some fresh mushrooms, so dinner was secured for today. Amazing to buy fresh products! Sounds strange to you? Well, after very limited selection in Mongolia, it feels so great entering a Russian supermarket or even better buy the fresh products directly from the producer (or collector) at the street.

Next morning we decided to head further North, still direction Lake Baikal and Irkutsk. On our way we nearly hit a snake, fortunately only nearly. Warmed up from the morning sun (and the shock provided by us), we did not manage to get a great shot. 

And then we started exploring Siberia; this surely is what you would expect to find. Wooden houses and some churches…

…but would you expect to find temples here? At least we somehow didn’t, but a mix of Buddhism and shamanism is obviously were present around Lake Baikal.

Suddenly the forest we are driving through opens up and there he is, Lake Baikal. Quickly we managed to find a spot by the beach on the South side of the lake. Looks fantastic but on the second look we found a lot of waste left over by others and even worth some “toilet trees and bushes”. Just wondering what is so difficult for some people to use a spate or take their rubbish with them again. 🙁 

Still decided to stay here as it was already late and not to far to Irkutsk, our target for the coming day.

In the end the amazing sunset had even a positive influence on the atmosphere, even though we are still wondering about how some people behave when they are out in the nature.

From here we are now heading towards Irkutsk, exploring the city during the next couple of days.