New Zealand – Moreaki Boulders via Tunnel Beach to Nugget Point

Direction South, basically following the coast of New Zealand’s South island we came across a couple of beautiful spots and at least on that day, the weather was still supportive, what unfortunately changed soon, but for now, simply amazing.

Moreaki Boulders

First stop for us was at the Moreaki Boulders. Honestly we thought these were results of a volcano eruption, but this is wrong. Basically they consist out of mud and clay and kind of cement, formed by nature already about 5m years back.

In any way, beautiful to watch and the size is amazing. Hard to imagine how these really have been formed by nature, but now erosion by the sea is taking care of them.

Tunnel Beach

Next stop after the boulders was at Tunnel Beach and honestly, more or less by accident. We nearly drove by, but decided to have a short stop when we saw the sign. Usually we are not so much after the beaches, but this one was a nice surprise. Originally we thought it is called like this because of the huge arch, but again as a surprise we saw a little tunnel, leading even further down to the beach and that place was breath-taking. Okay, we also got some wet feed, but it was worth it (simply to slow running away from the waves). 😉

Nugget Point

Last but not least on that day, Nugget Point and the famous lighthouse. Famous not because of the size, but famous because of the location. Wouldn’t you agree that this is beautiful? And also the surrounding and the small island called nuggets are worth the visit.

So all in all a beautiful day and especially as we originally did not even want to take this route, it has been amazing. Stay tuned if you would like to know more about our time in New Zealand.