Pinnacle Desert, as the name says, we expected some pinnacles in the sand, maybe a short afternoon walk before heading to camp, but not what we than found. In the end we stayed for two nights, just to have enough time to stroll around, take photos at the best times, but also just to enjoy the area.
Christian was busy with taking pictures from the pinnacles and I decided to use the time to “just jump up” on the top of the dunes to get an overview about the whole area. After a hard fight through the soft and steep sand surprisingly I found seven Emus searching for some food.
I had the chance to spend about ½ hour with them also for taking some great pictures and at the end I forgot to look around and enjoy the view what was my original target. 🙂
However, Christian managed to get also some picture from the pinnacles. Personally we believe not many words needed with those pictures. For sure a place worth to be visited and some time to be spent there.
Very impressive place, or to close with the words of Mr. Terri Pratchett:
“It is in the desert and high places that religions are generated. When men see nothing but bottomless infinity over their heads they have always had a driving and desperate urge to find someone to put in the way.”